Closets are quickly becoming the most important room in the house, and this isn’t an overstatement. Houses are being built and sold today, with closets as the key selling point. Magazines such as The Atlantic report, “Americans are converting their spare bedrooms into giant closets”. It makes sense that the custom closet industry is on pace to generate more than $3.4 billion in 2023.
The growth of the industry is in large part due to the changing spending habits of homeowners in the wake of the recent pandemic. Americans spend more on their homes than ever before. They’re investing in projects that bring the most value and provide the most enjoyment.
Nowhere is this more needed than closets. The Daily Mail reports that “we each spend 3,680 hours in our lifetime searching for misplaced items,” and our closets are a main source of lost time. 1 in 4 women say that they’re closets are disorganized, and 44% of women say they cannot find an article of clothing at least once a month. 1 in 6 women pull out dirty clothes from the hamper because they cannot find anything in their closets to wear.